Clear Creek Meadows Community Association, Inc

DEED RESTRICTIONS:  Any changes you wish to make to your property front or back requires the submission of the purposed plans with drawings to the architectural board BEFORE beginning the project. If construction is begun before approval is obtained and the deed restrictions prohibits your purposed plan, your project will be in jeopardy and subject to returning property to  approved deed restriction status. Although in the past, this policy has been taken lightly, the board is asking for your cooperation in following the proper protocol as outlined in our deed restrictions. (see below)  Your cooperation is appreciated.

At the June 25, 2015 Annual Meeting:  The board review the last 4 years finance reports for expenses and income. After reviewing and discussing the rising costs it was decided to increase the annual dues by $25.00 from $250.00 to $275.00 a year starting with the 2016 dues. This is allowed by the first amendment to the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions of Clear Creek Meadows dated July 19, 2000. This modified Section 8.3.C. “From and after January 1, 2001, the maximum annual assessment may be increased each year by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association only to an amount which is not more than ten percent (10%) above the assessment for the previous year."

CITATIONS: If you receive a citation in the mail regarding a deed restriction violation, take it seriously. If you need to speak to a board/committee member, email or call them. Certain things are prohibited, others must have the architectural control committee's approval. To reference the deed restrictions, access the reference listed below.

CC&R's, Amendments and ByLaws